Friday, February 8, 2019

Inappropriate Tachycardia

I laugh at the name
“Inappropriate” tachycardia.
When is it ever appropriate?

My heart thinks it's a
Race car.
Engine revs on waking.
I go from 60bpm to 120.
All it takes is rise from bed and
walk down the hall.

My heart jumps out the starting gate,
like a race horse.
Jogging takes it from
110 to 176bpm, in
half a minute.

I rest in the 70's,
I walk in the 120's,
I exercise in the 170's.

This is life with a racing heart.

And yet I have every
reason to be grateful.
My heart is strong,
my family supportive, and
God is filling my life with grace.

PS With following the doctor's protocal my heart rate is moving to a better rate.