Thursday, December 27, 2018

Grateful in all things

God’s apostle spoke
difficult and comforting words:
Be grateful in all things.

Not for but in.

My grateful for list is
never ending, when I start it.
Family, home, food,
earth’s beauty, health,
stories, learning, creating.

Never ending,
but each one endable.

Could I lose each of those,
like the Christian martyrs,
or the Jews in holocaust,
and still be grateful?

There is one sure and eternal
focal point of gratitude:
My Savior.

And as I am grateful to
Him, my
Redeemer, and

I learn to be grateful
In all things, both
beautiful and difficult.

And my life, which is
filled to overflowing with
blessings, increases in
richness of
understanding and joy.

*inspired by Elder Uchtdorf and Betsy TenBoom

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